Note how I have also inserted in some extra descriptive text ( “Netonix Total Power = ” and the trailing “W”) onto the label appearance settings. Having defined that function, one can then add that to the label appearance as follows (where ‘Netonix_TotalPower_Collector’ is the name of the Function): Normally this would be in the form of SNMP data, as in this example which will display the Total Power consumed on a Netonix Switch. will display the name of the device as stored in the device settings by double clicking the device and looking in the Name field.Īdding new Functions allows us to provide more additional data extracted from a device. These values are predefined and are obvious from their names.
It will likely only contain the following default data fields which are configured to be displayed on every device icon: The stock information provided on a device’s label is configured under ‘Settings / Map / Label’ field. What I will examine today is Dude labels. Adding devices to the free MikroTik Dude program is straight forward enough and how to configure Dude for a basic setup will not be covered here as that is already well documented elsewhere.